I tend to find myself on Betson's website often, whether I am looking through the product catalog, seeing when the next Betson Technical University is, or to purchase parts. But the one page I use most often is their resources page. If you have never been to it, follow this link and you will be invited to a ton of industry knowledge BETSON RESOURCES
Navigating to their blog posts, the latest one I ready was "WHY EVERY ARCADE NEEDS A GAME TECHNICIAN" This may be one of the most important blogs they have on there and one of the biggest downfalls of many arcades. Unfortunately, more often than not, when we are consulting with a new FEC we ask them if they have interviewed for the arcade tech. position and the answer is typically "No, didn't know we needed one". Now, everyone new to the industry and opening an FEC has a THOUSAND things to consider, so I give them the benefit of the doubt, the concerning part is when I explain the reasoning behind hiring a dedicated tech. most go with the option "Oh, so and so can probably do that, no worries". Then they open, and all of a sudden it turns out "so and so" has no idea how to fix the games, countless of hours are wasted with "so and so" learning on the fly...and only if they listed to the reason "why" you need a game technician 30% of the arcade wouldn't be down.
If you are about to open an FEC, or for that matter are an existing one without at tech, do yourself a favor, go check out "WHY EVERY ARCADE NEEDS A GAME TECHNICIAN" and marvel in the benefits Betson points out and the reasoning behind a successful arcade versus a non-successful one.