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Writer's pictureJoseph Camarota


Updated: Apr 27, 2020

What are our industry leading distributors up to? What are they doing to support the industry? Check all their latest updates below.


Due to the continued necessity of limiting the spread of the COVID-19 virus and following the guidelines of state and national recommendations, H.Betti Industries is extending the closure of all Betson offices until May 1st.

This closure will include temporarily discontinuing shipments of all parts and equipment leaving or coming into any of our facilities from April 6th-May 1st.

Our front office, accounts receivable, sales, and technical staff will remain available as normal via phones and email during this time-period to handle any technical questions, sales questions, orders, invoices, credits, etc. Our parts sales representatives will be available to process factory drop ship parts orders subject to factory availability. We will also continue to receive regular mail.

We appreciate your patience and assistance in helping our community work through this trying time. We will get through this together.

Alpha-Omega Sales

What a whirlwind we find ourselves in.  Every day there is something new to read, more cases, more tragedies, and more rumors.  As a society, Country, and World, we are living in an unprecedented time.  There are more questions than we have answers, and answers to some questions may never come. 

The Alpha Omega group of companies is actively monitoring the global pandemic in relation to Covid-19. As an organization, we are dedicated to the health, welfare and safety of our employees, clients, partners and Industry. We have temporarily closed our corporate office in accordance with New Jersey guidelines closing “non-essential” businesses, which by Executive Order will remain in place until at least May 5th. 

We are constantly monitoring our contact points and our Sales, Parts, Service, and Merchandise teams will continue to provide support through this closure. We can be reached at 800-253-4045 or

Our consulting company, Amusement Entertainment Management, remains fully engaged on a remote basis and remains completely accessible via 732-254-3773 or  

We do not know where our Industry will stand once this is over.  We do not know where the Country will stand once this is over.  But we do know we will fight tooth and nail and do everything we can to come out of this stronger. 

Be well.  Stay healthy.  We remain here for you. 


5 of our 6 offices are closed with a very limited staff in our Columbus facility.

We are able to respond to customers needs in sales, parts and service if they call our main line and leave a message in the respective voicemail boxes. That number is 1-800-282-0194

Or they can go to our website at

Player One Amusement Group

During the COVID-19 crisis, in the interest of public health, all P1AG offices and businesses are closed. However we continue to work from home and are available to assist customers. We are working diligently to provide customers with the services they need to be able to re-open. Whether that is financing, terms, providing equipment and merchandise, or assisting with planning, our dedicated staff are here to help.

Although these are difficult times we encourage operators to take this as an opportunity to evaluate all aspects of their business to identify areas where efficiencies can be found. Items to consider for optimization include:

  • Game mix and game rotation

  • Game floor layout

  • Redemption merchandise mix

  • Guest flow

  • Food & Beverage offering

  • Optimized pricing

  • Enhanced cleaning and sanitization

As owners and operators ourselves we are leading by example by increasing optimization best practices at our facilities, especially those relating to health.  Additional enhanced cleaning will be rolled out both pre-open, and on a continuing basis once open to ensure customers feel safe returning.

The goal we all share is to re-open and be better and stronger than before.  Our expert staff are here to answer your questions and provide the assistance you need.  We can be reached through our website , by calling 1-844-946-7124, or by directly contacting your P1AG representative. 

Game Exchange

According to Rich Babich, and reported by Replay Magazine, Game Exchange of Colorado will re-open on April 27th.

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