NOTICE: AC Voltage supply on Coast to Coast Brand Crane Machines
Please be aware that an issue has been found where the Live and Neutral AC lines are swapped at the power connectors. This configuration does not prevent the machine from working, but it results in reversed Live/Neutral feeds in the outlets located further along in the circuit of the machine.
It has also been discovered that even when wired correctly, the fuse for the inlet line is then only active on the Neutral AC line, and the Live AC line is then left unfused and unprotected. Please note, that even if the wires positions are already found to be correct, that a new fuse must be added.
The purpose of this notice is to help technicians and operators set the Live and Neutral AC lines in a consistent manner in every connector in the machine as well as ensure that the Live AC line goes through a fuse and through the cutoff power switch before continuing into the rest of the machine.
If any assistance is needed, please reach out to Coast to Coast customer service at 1-800-224-1717 and select option 1.
An instruction video of this entire process can be found by scanning here:
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