A few months ago my daughter asked for a popit, and my immediate response was "what in the world is a popit"? As children tend to do, after a long sigh, she explained it was a stress reliever that "everyone has" and she needed one "badly". After some quick searching we found some popits online and placed the order for three different styles; an ice cream cone, a unicorn, and a heart...apparently the most popular at the time.
They came in a couple days later and they were just as my daughter explained; rubber material with bubbles you could pop...to me, it was fancy bubble wrap.
Fast forward to today, popits are the HOTTEST toy out. A must for all FEC's. If you don't believe me, just go ask your child, niece, nephew, really anyone in the range of 5-13. Or, check out the article below:
Source: Today.com What are Popits