Sometimes it's the little things that make a difference. Beautiful designs, elegance at its finest, coordinating color schemes within a facility are all MUSTS. However, when it comes to your redemption prize counter (RPC), simple and effective is always best. First and foremost, when the guest makes their way to the RPC, the experience is in the product, and the product must be displayed in a comforting manner.
On a recent setup with SureShot Redemption's Meg Bonnichsen, a merchandise expert and one that I learn something from on every trip, she highlighted the four simple steps when designing and setting up a RPC.
Display left to right, like you read a book.
Use black slatwall. This highlights the "flashy" items and hides the blemishes.
Outlets on the wall are a must. The light-up lamps do us no good if the guest cannot see what they do.
All glass counters. Let the guests see EVERYTHING in your counter and allow the light to shine on all the products.