What is the backbone of every company? The people of course. Now, take a step back, and think about how often you show your appreciation to them...and be honest with yourself. After scoring a big sale? Probably. After coming up with a cost-savings procedure? Probably again. Now think about when an employee expects a show of gratitude. After scoring a big sale? Yep. After coming up with a cost-savings procedure? Yep again.
So, why is it most managers, executives, owners only choose this time to show their employees the appreciation they deserve when, in reality, it's all of the time and effort they give before scoring the big sale that allows the company to reap the benefits.
Taking into account how hard it is to retain "good" employees, I think we should all think about how we can show more appreciation to the hardworking, dedicated employees. It could be as simple as when you are passing each other in the hall, just stopping them for a second and telling them they're doing a great job, or a quick email acknowledging how you see them coming in motivated every day to help the company succeed. However you choose to do so, showing your employee appreciation for a minute of your time could gain you years of loyal service.