Now available from Andamiro is a protective cover for the LED PCB ASS’Y on the Avengers coin pusher. The add-on component is now shipping to factory-authorized distributors. Affected games include all Avengers 2- and 1-player CARD models, which began shipping in 2020. (The PCB powers the LEDs for the "card out" opening and is easily accessible through the cabinet's front door[s].) Non-card games are not affected. Andamiro is supplying the component as a safeguard measure in the unlikely event stray coins from the pusher playfield make contact with the PCB, which could prompt a service outage. Andamiro recommends that operators install the protective cover, offered at no charge. It will be a standard feature on future production models.
Service Recommendation
GAMES AFFECTED: Avengers 2- and 1-player pushers operating with in-game cards PART NO.: MAV20ACR070 DESCRIPTION: LED PCB COVER EST. INSTALL TIME: 2 minutes