I read the press release on Embed's new insight platform STATS, and was extremely impressed, but after I was given a demo...WOW, I was blown away. The Embed team, utilizing help from Amazon Web Services, has truly outdone themselves. It would be an injustice to say in words how much STATS has to offer (I will try!). You MUST contact them today to schedule a demo. You will not be disappointed.
What truly impressed me, but again there's so much more, was the amount of data at the owners/managers/technicians fingertips.
Have you ever wondered what your true peak hours are? Not just by using overall data or traffic flow; but really try to understand how much income is being spent in your facility. STATS covers that. You can, in near real time, track every aspect of your business that uses the Embed debit card system. Want to know when the arcade is at its busiest or if there's a trend when parties end and how much time it takes them to play and redeem? STATS will tell you.
Now take this concept and look at our labor, which is nearly every owner/managers concern, and use this to improve how you schedule staff and make sure you are not overstaffing at slow periods or understaffing at busy periods.
Do you run multiple facilities and are looking for game trends? STATS does that. Just by combining each site you can find all the data you want on one screen. Game down time? Yep, STATS will track that in real time. Forecast data from previous months, years? Yep, STATS does that.
Maybe the best part, it's all CLOUD based, so whether you are traveling, work abroad, work from home, it's all at your fingertips.
You just have to see this live. Contact your Embed representative today for a demo. Just make sure you block out enough time, I had to pull myself away at IAAPA, there's just so much STATS has to offer!